What We Do

According to the
the world today has never been
The revolutionary ideas and innovations tackling the world’s most pressing problems have been paving the way for great social impacts. Yet, more than half of all 3 to 6 year olds across the world have no access to pre-primary education. Only a quarter of children worldwide are developmentally on track in reading and math, which dampens their prospects for school success. Additionally, most education systems today are based on outdated models put in place over a century ago.
Fragmented attempts at reform and modernization have proven, in most cases, insufficient in addressing the growing gap between access to education, conventional education systems, the demands of modern life and new labor markets. Governments, businesses and individual learners must grasp the need for real, comprehensive change in order to close this gap as the world enters the Fourth Industrial Revolution through efficient Fourth Industrial Revolution-inspired strategies.
With a young and growing population, pressures on the education system in recent years have been enormous on the Middle-East and Africa region in particular.
Yemen, Egypt and Morocco have struggled to achieve universal public education mainly because a demographic explosion and a large rural population characterized these three countries. Evidence demonstrates that school systems in MENA are generally of low quality. Basic skills are not being learned, a fact most clearly captured by international standardized tests, whose results reveal that the region is still below the level expected given MENA countries’ per capita income.
Of all regions, Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion. Over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 are out of school, followed by one-third of youth between the ages of about 12 and 14. According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) data, almost 60% of youth between the ages of about 15 and 17 are not in school.
Without urgent action, the situation will likely get worse as the region faces a rising demand for education due to a still-growing school-age population.

We envision a world where children’s future isn’t determined by their access to proper education.
Through the influence of education technology, we empower youth to reach their full potential and give back to their communities.
Education 4.0 seeks to transform the lives of children who do not have the capabilities to follow the rest of the world in its discovery of innovative approaches and solutions towards the survival and success of our world.
Unfortunately, this is not always an option, specifically for those who do not have the means to commute to schools, lack family support or do not have the time with all other responsibilities they bear. While keeping in mind that some circumstances cannot be changed, what if we could provide reliable access to education no matter the location of instruction, time of day or availability of an educator? What if
all students could be part of an inclusive and personalized learning environment and have an opportunity to succeed in an ever-evolving and competitive world?
With a strong alliance to communities around the world, we seek to accomplish this education technology revolution through collaborating and understanding the needs and wants of these communities and providing solutions through a suitability initiative.
We have developed a unique and sustainable education innovation framework that allows each student to have a personalized learning journey.

Differentiated Curricula
When developing our curricula, Ed4.0 utilizes the Backwards Design model, outcomes desired and initial placement assessments to create an efficient and successful program. We use a mixture of standards such as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Edtech Solutions
Ed4.0 employs education technology due its effectiveness of providing individualized, reliable instruction and adaptive learning pathways. We leverage machine learning to collect data, conduct research and allow students to make progress based on individual ability levels.

Learning Programs
Based on the needs of the students and their communities, Ed4.0 implements the curricula in the most efficient way to ensure the highest impact. The deployment of the program considers the environment and inflicts minimal disruption.